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«Ağ Naftalan» LLC was founded in 2007 with a location in the village of Shafaq, Goranboy district (Azerbaijan). The main scope of company’s activities includes the manufacture of drugs derived from naftalan, commerce, and implementation of construction and installation works. Currently, «Ağ Naftalan» LLC’s working team consists of 57 people - workers and servants. For the whole period of its activity the company has signed contracts with such agencies as the Ministry of Health, JSC «Azərsu» and «Azəriqaz» Industrial Union, and also took part in projects with a total turnover of 17 million manat. Due to the effective operations, «Ağ Naftalan» LLC established a scientific and industrial laboratory of its own with a monthly production capacity of 5 tons.

In the lab, leading professors, PhDs and field specialists are engaged in research activities aiming at delivering new high-performance drugs. By the way, a special method, created and patented by us is employed in the preparation of locally-produced drugs. A profit margin received from deresined white naftalan, manufactured by the mentioned method, equals to 66%. Thanks to the newly invented products that we offer, the affiliate company "RosNaft" was created in the city of Cherepovets, Vologda region of the Russian Federation; thus, our products enjoy representation even in Russia! It’s worth noting that we have acquired patents on the technology of deresined naftalan oil production and vertical naftalan cabins, which are legitimate within Azerbaijan and Eurasia.